Owl sitting on a branch Owl sitting on a branch

Lost Sleep Calculator

Losing a little sleep one night isn’t a problem. But it soon adds up … See how your lost sleep stacks up over a week, a month, a year and a lifetime.

How much sleep did you get last night?

How old are you?

Please make sure you've entered the fields above!
You shouldn’t feel sleep deprived! You slept better than the recommended 8 hours!
Owl sleeping on a branch

If I keep missing a night from the recommended 8 hours’ sleep, then over time

0 Hours in a week That's 0 Hours in a month Which is 0 Days in a year and 0 Years in a lifetime

How’s this worked out? Simply, each hour of lost sleep actually feels like one-and-a-half hours.

Owl sleeping on a branch

Over a lifetime, that’s enough lost sleep to...


Example subheader goes here with an example highlighted section


Example subheader goes here with an example highlighted section

What keeps you awake at night?

We surveyed 2,550 Britons about what keeps them awake – and applied the results to your lost sleep to give you an idea of how much of your lifetime you won’t be able to nod off because of specific factors.

Physical Factors Physical Factors
1. Aches and illnesses0 Hours
2. Noise, like from noisy neighbours0 Hours
3. My partner, by snoring and fidgeting0 Hours
4. My children, by crying out or getting into my bed0 Hours
5. My pets, by moving round0 Hours
6. Uncomfortable bed0 Hours
7. Room factors, like temperature0 Hours
Persistant Thoughts Persistant Thoughts
0 Hours
Arguments with friends or family
0 Hours
0 Hours
0 Hours
Social Media
0 Hours
0 Hours
0 Hours
0 Hours
0 Hours
0 Hours
0 Hours
How long until the alarm goes off!
0 Hours
Relationship problems
0 Hours
Owl sitting on a branch
Did you know?

There are plenty more reasons you should get enough sleep...

Poor sleepers are...

  • 7 times more likely to feel helpless
  • 5 times more likely to feel alone
  • 5 times more likely to struggle to concentrate
  • Twice as likely to suffer from fatigue
  • Twice as likely to have relationship problems
  • Twice as likely to suffer from bad moods
  • Twice as likely to struggle to be productive

Share your results

Each hour of sleep you miss actually feels like one-and-a-half hours, according to the Sleep Centre. So this tool uses the amount of sleep you get, the eight hours of sleep recommended by the Sleep Foundation, and the ratio for missed sleep to work out how sleep deprived you are.